Microbiology/Culture & Sensitivity Tests
These are tests intended to detect infectious diseases (defined as disease caused by Germs) in patient samples.

1. Microscopy Tests: Stool microscopy for intestinal parasites, Urine Microscopy, Gram stain of pus, ZN microscopy for TB, Sperm Count,
2. Culture & Sensitivity (C&S):
• Urine C&S to diagnose UTI-causing Germs and Drug Resistance
• HVS C&S to diagnose the germs such as candida, causing gynaecological infections and their drug resistance
• Stool C&S to diagnose intestinal bacterial infections e.g. Typhoid, ulcer germs and their drug resistance.
• Blood C&S to diagnose blood-borne bacterial infections e.g. Typhoid
• CSF C&S to diagnose bacterial or fungal causes of Meningitis
• Body fluid C&S (e.g. Pleural fluid, Ascites, Joint fluid, etc) to detect the bacterial germs causing infections in these body fluids
• Pus or Pus swab C&S to diagnose germs causing would infections and drug resistance
• Hair/Nail/Skin scrapings cultures to detect fungal germs causing such infections
3. Infectious Diseases Immunoassays/ELISA assays: Syphilis tests, Brucella ELISA assays, Hepatitis B surface antigen, Hepatitis B envelope Ag, Hepatitis B Core Antibody IgG/M, RSV, Influenzae, TORCHS, Measles, Mumps, etc.
Order Tests
You order your test now through any of the following channels:
Call or email FineLife Laboratories to request for Field collection of samples from your Car, Home or Office.