DNA Testing
DNA testing is an accurate method for confirming biological relationships between individuals.

a) Type of DNA Testing Services offered at FineLife Laboratories:
– DNA Paternity Testing – done to confirm a biological relationship between an alleged Father and a child.
– DNA Maternity Testing – done to confirm a biological relationship between an alleged mother and a child.
– Y – Chromosome DNA Relationship Testing – to trace the male lineage of a person e.g.
• Between a paternal uncle & Nephew
• Between brothers alleged to be from one alleged father especially if the alleged father is dead.
• Between cousin brothers
• Between Paternal Grandfather and Grandson.
– Grand parentage DNA Testing – This is usually done if the alleged father is deceased but then a certain mother brings up a new child to the deceased man’s family/clan claiming that the deceased man was the father of the new child.
– DNA Profiling – Here you as a true man, simply order for your autosomal or Y-chromosomal STR DNA Profile, which is produced and kept on your file or with your wife at home or on your Will. In case a new child is brought to the family after the alleged father is deceased, the new child gets DNA-tested, and his/her profile easily compared with the already existing DNA profile of the deceased man to clarify on the paternity of the new comer child.
b. Samples Tested
The samples for DNA Testing include Blood, mouth/buccal swab or any other acceptable sample collected from the person to be tested.
For Paternity DNA testing, samples must be collected from the alleged father and child. A sample from the mother is optional but sometimes, it may be required in order to complete the test.
c. How much does a DNA Test cost at FineLife Laboratories?
• For Paternity DNA testing, you pay UGX 265,000/= per sample
• For Maternity DNA testing, you pay UGX 265,000/= per sample
• For Y-Chromosomal male relationship DNA testing, you pay UGX 520,000/= per sample
d. Requirements for undergoing DNA Testing
One original ID document bearing your photo. Acceptable ID documents include passport/driving permit/ birth certificate/voter’s registration card, NSSF card, National Identity Card with photo, Armed Forces ID card, and Pass card issued by a Government Department. Any of these will be checked to confirm identity when sampling.
A photocopy of the ID document shall be taken at the Lab. You will write your name, signature, or thumb/finger print, Tel Number, and date on this copy in presence of the Sampler.
A photograph of each sampled person will be taken at the time of sample collection.
For children, a copy of the birth certified for each child to be tested is needed. If no birth certificate available, a photograph taken at the time of sample collection will be adequate.
You will be given a consent form to fill and sign as consent to undergo DNA testing.
For children less than 18 years the parent/guardian shall consent on his/her behalf.
e. How long do DNA results take to be ready?
Results will be ready in 10-14 days from the date of sample receipt. If you require the results quickly, they take 24 hours only but you pay double.
f. Quality Assurance
Our DNA Tests are conducted in an Internationally Accredited Laboratory giving you the highest level of quality assurance.
Thus, we offer reliable DNA testing services to ensure that your DNA test results are fully accurate and can authoritatively be used for resolving your personal / family issues regarding paternity or maternity of the child without doubt regarding accuracy.
The results accuracy is 99.99% if the alleged father turns out as the biological father, and 100% if the alleged father is not the biological father.
g. Privacy and Confidentiality during DNA Testing
We understand that clients requiring DNA Paternity/Maternity testing may sometimes have complex or delicate personal privacy intricacies. For this reason, we flexibly practice the highest level of privacy/confidentiality, including but not limited to collecting samples from you while in your car, home or office or any other place that gives you the privacy you deserve.
h. Counselling During DNA Testing
We offer free ongoing counseling to prepare your mind for the DNA results. Counselling is professionally offered before, during or after sample collection/testing.
Order Tests
You order your test now through any of the following channels:
Call or email FineLife Laboratories to request for Field collection of samples from your Car, Home or Office.