Haematology Blood Tests
These tests involve blood testing to check on normality of Blood cells (White Blood cells and their subtypes, Red blood cells and their related parameters and Platelets).
How certain systems in blood function e.g. the blood clotting (Coagulation) system, sickle cell confirmation tests are also covered under these Haematology tests.

Haematology Tests include:
- Blood Group Testing (1 ml Blood in purpletop vacutainer
- Erythrocyte Sedimentation rate (ESR) – (3 ml Blood in purpletop vacutainer)
- CBC Test (2 ml Blood in purpletop vacutainer)
– White Blood Cells (WBC) Total & Differential counts
– Red Blood Cell counts and related parameters such as HB, PCV, MCV, MCHC
– Platelet counts - Reticulocytes (2 ml Blood in purpletop vacutainer)
- Coombs test, direct (3 ml Blood in purpletop vacutainer)
- Coombs test, Indirect (3 ml Blood in Redtop vacutainer)
7. HB Electrophoresis to confirm sickle cell status – (3 ml Blood in purpletop vacutainer)
8. Bleeding Time (Patient Must come to Lab)
9. Clotting time (Patient Must come to Lab)
10. Prothrombin time (PT or INR) (4 mls blood in oxalate/citrate blue top vacutainer)
11. Partial thromboplastin time (PTT or aPTT ) (4 mls blood,oxalate/citrate blue top vacutainer
12. Peripheral smear (3 ml Blood in purpletop vacutainer). CBC must be ordered along
Order Tests
You order your test now through any of the following channels:
Call or email FineLife Laboratories to request for Field collection of samples from your Car, Home or Office.